Refer a Herefordshire resident to us


Please use this form to make a referral for Keep Herefordshire Warm and Warmth on Prescription delivered by YES Energy Solutions on behalf of Herefordshire Council.

See our privacy notice linked at the bottom of the page to see how we protect and manage your data.

This is a referral to Warmth on Prescription

I confirm that the customer being referred has provided their consent for their data to be shared and has understood the consent statement.*

Consent Statement We will not normally share your information with organisations other than our partner organisations without your consent. However, there may be certain circumstances where we would share without consent, such as where we are required to do so by law, to safeguard public safety, and in risk of harm or emergency situations. Any information which is shared will only be shared on a need to know basis, with appropriate individuals. Only the minimum information for the purpose will be shared.
We will only keep your information for the minimum period necessary. The information outlined in the privacy notice below will be kept after all action on your claim has finished and the period required by the council for legal and audit purposes has passed. All information will be held securely and destroyed under confidential conditions. View the full privacy notice. (Keep Herefordshire Warm privacy notice).


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Fill in the form below with your details and we will give you a ring back.
This form collects your name, email address and phone number so that we can respond to your enquiry. Your information will only be used for this purpose, please see our privacy notice linked at the bottom of the page to see how we protect and manage your data.

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