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The loft and cavity wall insulation upgrades offered in the scheme will help reduce energy bills, keep homes warmer and reduce carbon emissions.
Homeowners and private renters can apply if they think they meet the eligibility criteria and their property is suitable.
Landlords must make a contribution to cover a minimum of one third of the total costs of the measures installed.
Our teams are qualifying residents and coordinating surveys and installs on behalf of the council.
The schemes will help residents living in homes with poor energy efficiency ratings who also have a low income.
To qualify householders must:
You must also live in a property with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of E, F, G.
(EPC band D is accepted if there's fewer than 30% D rated properties signed up to the scheme).
Find your EPC on the Government’s website here.
Your property type and structure will impact which insulation measure you can receive.
Our teams will talk you through the qualifying criteria and check you meet the scheme's requirements - you may need to provide evidence of income as part of the checks.
If you qualify for the scheme, your property will undergo a survey to see if cavity wall insulation and/or loft insulation is suitable.
YES Energy Solutions will arrange your install by government accredited installers.
If you are a householder interested in the scheme, please call our team.
Find out more about saving energy and the funding opportunities available.