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Theresa May’s government
reveal in the Spring Statement that it is considering an Energy Company
Obligation scheme for small businesses.
The Energy Efficiency Obligation (ECO) scheme being
discussed in a new consultation which launched on March 13, would set up a
business equivalent to the
domestic ECO scheme.
The proposed plans may require obligated energy suppliers to
deliver a set amount of energy savings each year through installations of energy
saving measures for SMEs.
The Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy
(BEIS), would have responsibility for the design and scope of the new obligation.
A record 5.7 million SMEs were recorded at the start of 2018,
representing 99.9% of UK businesses.
According to the Government, “SME’s do not have the internal capacity to develop and implement energy efficiency projects, and rarely view energy efficiency as a priority.”
The Government's current ECO scheme for residential properties requires obligated energy suppliers
to deliver energy efficiency and heating measures to homes in Great Britain.
The ECO scheme started operating in January 2013, and has
delivered around 2.5 million improvements, in approximately 2 million homes by
December 2018.
For more information on ECO visit our advice centre articles.
The full Energy Efficiency Scheme for Small & Medium Sized Business Government consultation, which closes May 8, can be found here.
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