Hertsmere landlords could receive funding for gas central heating Aug 26, 2020

Hertsmere landlords could receive funding for gas central heating

Landlords could receive funding for A-rated central heating systems in properties without radiators if their tenants meet certain eligibility criteria.

We are working with Hertsmere Borough Council to install over 30 A-rated energy efficient heating systems in homes across the borough whilst following the Government’s latest coronavirus guidance to ensure safety.

Tenants in properties with no radiators may qualify for funding if they are in receipt of certain state benefits (e.g. pension guarantee credit, income support, tax credits, etc.) or have a low household income (typically below £20,000 after rent has been paid).

Hertsmere Borough Council, North Hertfordshire District Council and East Herts District Council previously worked with Hertfordshire County Council and YES Energy Solutions, to secure over £230,000 from the Warm Homes Fund, an innovative fund established by National Grid.

Jeremy Nesbitt, Managing Director of Affordable Warmth Solutions who administer the fund on behalf of National Grid, said: “We are excited about this investment from National Grid and are delighted to fund the scheme to address fuel poverty.

“Solving the issues associated with Fuel Poverty continues to challenge many of our stakeholders and the feedback we’ve already received provides evidence of how the Warm Homes Fund will make a positive difference to thousands of homes throughout Great Britain.”

Each council is providing match funding to support installations in their area, whilst additional funding is being secured through the Government’s Energy Company Obligation scheme.

Landlords will be required to make a small contribution towards the costs of installs.

There are also separate grants available to help connect homes to the mains gas network if required.

YES Energy Solutions is managing the scheme on behalf of the councils and will be coordinating the installations through their network of accredited installers who will adhere to coronavirus safety procedures.

Funding is available for a limited number of tenants, and landlords interested in the opportunity are encouraged to contact YES Energy Solutions on 01422 880100 to see if they are eligible for support.

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