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Tradespeople can apply for free or subsidised retrofit training for domestic properties.
The training is designed to help tradespeople who usually install energy efficiency measures to deliver the Government's funding schemes such as the Green Homes Grant and ECO (Energy Company Obligation).
There are 18 training providers currently offering training packages:
Training covers domestic heat pumps.
Training will be available from early March to 30 September 2021 and can be undertaken online and at a number of training centres in England.
Training covers non insulation fabric measures.
Attendees to the programme will undergo 3 days of training. At the end of the training, attendees will be competent to fit windows and doors, glaze and re-glaze existing windows and doors, and have a full understanding of the site requirements and building regulations that impact the trade.
Training will be available until 30 September 2021.
Dudley College is offering training in both heat pumps and solar thermal as well as heating and hot water controls until September 2021.
For enquiries please contact Nigel Sidwell, Construction Commercial Training Manager: 07917346759
The training covers retrofit assessor training and accreditation for professionals accredited as Domestic Energy Assessors.
The training is delivered online until 30 September 2021.
Training covers retrofit assessor training, insulation and non-insulation fabric measures.
The training will help attendees gain the compliance that is required to meet the standards for PAS 2030:2019.
The training will run until September 2021.
Training covers insulation, heat pumps, solar thermal and heating and hot water controls.
The training will run until 2 July 2021.
Training covers non-insulation fabric measures, retrofit assessor and retrofit coordinator training, insulation, heat pumps/solar thermal and heating/hot water controls.
100 funded places are offered to businesses wishing to undertake retrofit training, certify in PAS:2030 and become TrustMark registered - a further 200 retrofit training places are available for contractors from the same company, alongside 50 discounted training places for contractors who are currently unemployed.
The training will run until 31 July 2021.
Training covers heat pumps and solar thermal green technologies.
The training is available until 13 August 2021.
To apply, contact Kaya Walmsley for further information on routes and training packages available call: 0161 480 5656
Training covers solar thermal, heat pumps and biomass.
The training is for existing plumbing and heating contractors. Up to 70% of funding to cover the training costs and certification will be made available.
The training is available until 30 September 2021.
Training covers heating and hot water controls.
Training covers heat pumps and solar thermal, heating and hot water controls.
Subsided training is available for up to 300 applicants and runs until 30 September 2021.
Training covers all fabric measures.
This training will provide installers with City & Guilds Level 2 NVQ qualifications in Insulation and Building Treatments.
The training is available until 30 July 2021.
Training covers heat loss calculations and surveys, heat pump theory and installation, solar thermal fundamentals, MCS accreditation and TrustMark registration.
The course is held online over 4 days (3 days online), with the fourth day comprising a final face-to-face presentation of heat pump equipment and systems to be held at various locations.
The training is available until 30 April 2021.
This training covers insulation, including measures such as cavity wall, loft and underfloor insulation.
The course will help installers achieve a Level 2 NVQ in Insulation and Building Treatments.
The training is available until 12 July 2021.
Training covers retrofit coordinators and retrofit assessors.
The training must be completed by 30 September 2021.
Training covers retrofit insulation installs and is available until 30 September 2021.
Training covers insulation, non insulation fabric measures, heat pumps and solar thermal, heating and hot water controls.
The training will help installers achieve PAS 2030 or MCS certification and is available until 30 September 2021.
Training covers installation of biomass appliances.
This direct entry course is available for existing installers and HETAS registrants who wish to expand their skills and branch out into the installation of biomass and batch-fed appliances.
It is also suitable for existing HETAS registrants who wish to attain the skills necessary to install biomass boiler appliances.
The training is available until 18 June 2021.
YES Energy Solutions help small to medium (SME) sized installers access ECO (energy Company Obligation) funding for their own installations.
We are always looking for installers who have PAS2019:2030 accreditations to submit work under the ECO scheme.
Learn how you can benefit from our ECO funding facilities.
T: 01422 880100 (office hours: 9am - 5pm, Mon - Fri)
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Find out more about saving energy and the funding opportunities available.